It’s time to write your book!

Transforming experiences into written works of art.

What began as a journal entry turned into a blog post. A reader of the series exclaimed, “This would make a great book!”

Inspiration and excitement burst from the heart. Yes, I can do this! The journal you’ve poured your heart and soul into now rests on the surface next to your computer. You review its content and fill the blank document on the monitor. Your story, filled with insightful pearls of wisdom, form sentences and transform paragraphs.

Doubtful thoughts begin to swirl like vultures and loom in dark craves of your mind. You think, now what?

Expand Your Knowledge

Pen to Paper Press is where writers meet to write, expand their knowledge, and connect.

Meet the Character Meditation

Featured Program

How well do you know the characters in the book you're writing? Do they speak to you as the story is written? What if you could close your eyes and connect with them?

Self-Learning Program Includes
.:. Guided meditation
.:. Meet the Character Worksheet pdf


“The 21-Day Writing Intensive has kept me focused, accountable, and on task. Plus it is so nice to finally find a tribe I can hang out with that gets me.”

21-Day Writing Intensive

Julie W.

“I am so happy I enrolled in the 21-Day Writers Intensive. It gave me just the incentive I needed to get going on my novel. Just like using water to prime a pump, the intensive primed my creativity and fed my inspiration to move on to more challenging projects. Plus, it made me more responsible about sitting down every day and committing to write. I don't know that I could have finished the first draft of my novel if I hadn't worked with the 21-Day Writing Intensive to "prime" my writer's pump!”

21-Day Writing Intensive

Barb P.


Cindy Kochis, Host

Pour a mug of tea and listen to conversations centered around writing, editing, publishing, and marketing their written works of art.

Cindy Kochis and her guests explore insights ranging from overcoming writer’s block to self-editing to getting books into the hands of readers. Every episode is an opportunity to learn actionable insights to inspire you to live your dreams.

Your words have power.
YOUR story matters!

CK Kochis

About the Instructor

I am a writer; it's what I do.

One of my roles in life is to guide those in search of their heart's voice so they, too, can express their truth.

Our words have power.

Our stories matter.

[About] | [Blog]

Transforming experiences into written works of art.

Your Words Have Power.

Your Story Matters.

Are you ready to complete your book?

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In Their Words

“I just LOVE this! It’s really beautiful and well presented, with a clear message. Personally I love that there is writing time built into the sessions as that means I will 100% be getting words down on paper by doing it – if the calls just talked about writing and left me to write in my own time only it may still not happen, but once the ball is rolling and a start is made it’s so much easier to carry on alone. So I love that practical element. It’s a total bargain too. Great offer!”